Hi, I’m Robyn White, a UX Director based in the Bay Area. For the last 10+ years, I’ve led content and design teams. My leadership style centers on inclusion and my process focuses on building happy, engaged teams that drive impact. The secret to my success is no secret—I believe deeply in collaboration and can effortlessly context-switch between creative and engineering, product and marketing, legal and finance. I’m proud to have led global teams across the US, India, and Ukraine during the pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine.
As a former marketing writer, I believe in crisp, clear communication, focused on the end user. I value simple, innovative, and intuitive solutions for any business challenge. Complexity and chaos don’t scare me off. Looking at you, AI.
When I’m not geeking out in the office, you’ll find me hiking the Marin Headlands with our dog, practicing Spanish, or doing the carpool shuffle (Taylor’s Version!).
Let’s connect: linkedin. com/ in/ robyn-white