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Adding video calls in the app:
A marketplace model means we think twice about everything we do

The business challenge:

The JustAnswer mobile app offers free phone calls with experts. We heard from customers they wanted more: video calls. experts on the other hand were hesitant and raised concerns about privacy and fair payouts. How could we test real demand and supply?

My team's role:

We started with secondary research to better understand what video call usage could look like and how other providers fulfilled and compensated for this service.

Then, the team collaborated with engineers to brainstorm low-fi designs for both sides of the marketplace to find the leanest way to test demand while still delivering a world-class experience for customers AND experts.

The result:

While some customers were thrilled with the added service, not enough were willing to pay. With integration requiring both a financial and a legal investment, the feature was not normalized, yet. 

Customer user experience

Image of the updated customer-facing user experience showing how video calling works in the app

Expert user experience

Image of the updated expert-facing user experience showing how experts see when a request for a video call is made
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